Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Greater Reward

I love cookies.

They're my favorites! If I want a cookie, though, I know that I need to deserve it. I can't have a cookie just because it's been a hard day, or just because I'm hungry. I have to REALLY deserve it. And while I'm eating it, I know I have to savor it--who knows when I'll get to have another one? 

I'm starting my fourth year on WeightWatchers, and despite losing 276 pounds, according to my Body Mass Index, I'm still "obese." I still have a long road ahead of me. I know that if I really want that cookie, I have to make some serious decisions. I know that I'm probably going to need to earn more activity points. To earn activity points, I have to work out more. 

I began with a completely sedentary lifestyle. In four years, I've found myself willing to try anything once. I've tried walking, running, working out on machines, dancing, and even cleaning as activity points! I'm happiest when dancing--it's easier for me to lose myself there. When I work out on the elliptical (a favorite--especially in this colder weather), it's my time to catch up on reading, or to balance things in my life that feel like they're out of whack. I use it as a tool for getting out my aggression, and often, I find my thoughts much more organized after. However, I can only last about three minutes before I'm staring at the clock, counting down the seconds! When I'm dancing, I can usually last about 20-30 minutes before I begin looking for a clock! 

I prefer taking classes instead of self-motivating. I find that if I'm paying for something and have people to be accountable, I am more successful. Dancing classes have really helped me to succeed. I've taken ballet classes that have done wonders for my balance and overall grace, and I'm addicted to Zumba now! I've even gotten licensed to teach Basic Zumba I and Zumbatomics (Zumba for kids)! I love teaching, but some days, it's just nice to follow along and mindlessly dance! 

It's hard for me to tell sometimes when I'm eating that cookie, which is the greater reward--the cookie or the feeling of accomplishment and success I get after working out. Most days, I just smile and savor the crumbs!
Then--August 2009
September 18, 2010: 101 lbs total loss, almost a year into WW
February 5, 2011: 150 lbs total loss
Sept. 2011, 200 lbs lost

Now--10-13-2012: 275 total loss!!!

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